Judy Albright and Jennifer H. Smith- Design and Publishing

Elizabeth Davis - Editor

August 2024


Rev.  Elizabeth gleich

Dear Church Family,


I give God thanks for each of you! I pray that your summer so far has been filled with joy and rest. I just spent four Tuesdays with some of you, learning different practices of contemplative prayer in our Quest for the Spirit class. It’s been a gift to pray and learn together in word and in lots of silence. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in our efforts to listen to the “still, small voice of God.”


Even with some new spiritual practices under my belt, I still sometimes don’t know how to pray—whether it’s because the world feels too big for my little words, or because I’m too scattered to quiet myself. In these moments, I lean on both the ancient wisdom of our Christian tradition and words by modern prophets among us. I’d like to share a prayer from the latter, Kate Bowler, in case you ever feel like I do:



a blessing for when you might not know how to pray (or want to)


Blessed are you in this terrible, wonderful now.


Fumbling around for the right words.


You need so much and it seems impossible to say at all.


Blessed are you for whom prayer feels hopeless, disappointing, futile.


Blessed are you in your radical honesty, in the ways you speak of your grief.


The long, sleepless nights in a still-empty bed.


Or the physical pain you feel, the joints that don’t work like they used to, the brain fog or chronic migraines, who speak of your loneliness, the empty home or nest or womb.


Blessed are you who have the audacity to ask for the miracles you need, the healing or a new friend or a redeemed family.


Blessed are you as you learn to trust, trust a God who hears, who listens, who hasn’t left your side, who prays on your behalf, interpreting those deep groans you can’t quite put into syllables or sounds.


Blessed are you, as you settle into acceptance.


And blessed are we who live here in the someday, but not now.


Kate Bowler



May God be with all of you!






Highlights of the July 10 Church Council Meeting


We reviewed the Treasurer's Report, which noted that there were recent expenditures of $60,000 for exterior painting, and $40,000 for the window project that is currently happening.  There was a huge thank you to Dan Brown for all his work on these projects.


Pastor Elizabeth was the only Pastor's report as Andy was on the youth service trip.  She noted that Andy will be gone for 2 weeks of vacation when he returns, and that she will be on vacation in August.


Lesley Dunakin was approved to serve on the Board of Pastoral Care.


It was announced that Welcome Sunday will be September 8, an open house/engagement event will be held on September 15, and September 29 will be New Member Sunday.  Elizabeth gave an update on the Red Clover center—all is going well.


Council approved the purchase of a new computer for May Poduschnick.


Council approved the establishment of a Sabbatical Planning Team to deal with the arrangements for Andy and Elizabeth being on sabbatical leave in 2025.  This is the first time both will be on leave during the same year.


Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Foster


  • Between annual meetings, the Church Council meets once a month to fulfill its responsibility to coordinate the church's programs and business. Council has the powers generally ascribed to a corporation's board of directors.

    The Church Council is composed of the following Church members:  Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and the chairpersons of the six church boards. Also, there are three at-large members. One is elected every year and serves a 3 year term.

  • The basic life and work of the church is under the direction and supervision of church boards, which meet monthly at the All Boards Meeting and report to the Church Council. Members of these boards are elected from the membership of the church. 

Budget Team Message

The Budget Team will be writing articles for Church Matters on a regular basis to inform you about our church budget and share some of the ways your donations and pledges are spent. We invite your questions and suggestions as to the information you want!


Looking at our operating budget’s actual income and expenses for the year, they are on track with our budget. Pledges received to date are also on track with prior years. Fifty of the 181 pledges have already been fulfilled. Thank you for your support!


A new income line this year is Consignment. In prior years, the income received from Neat Repeats and Buy Again Alley was reported with the Bazaar income. This year, we separated it to show how your donations to these organizations provide income to the church. To date, we have received $863 from sales at these stores. Thank you for your donations!


We want to highlight three new budget expenses this year: La Comunidad; Member in Discernment (MID) Support; and Community Suppers. La Comunidad is an outreach ministry focusing on the Latinx and Spanish-speaking migrant worker population in our county. Once a month, 30 to 40 people have been gathering in Fellowship Hall to share prayers in Spanish and then have a traditional meal. This has been a great way to bring people together, meeting a need for this community. We pay for the meal, which costs approximately $300 a month. We budgeted $3,600 for the year.  A participant has said:  "Me gusta venir a La Comunidad porque me gusta conocer personas nuevas y por la experiencia de saber un poco más sobre las diferentes comunidades hispanohablantes. También disfruto de la grata compañía, de las oraciones y la forma de adoración a Dios" - Enoc.    The English translation is:  "I like coming to La comunidad because I like meeting new people and for the experience of learning about different Hispanic communities. I also enjoy the pleasant company, the prayers, and the way we worship God."


Member in Discernment Support is another new expense in this year’s budget. The Council voted to provide some financial support to Eliana Canas Parra as she begins her studies at Yale Divinity School. Eliana’s last day with us will be August 4, and we wish her the best as she begins these new studies. $3,000 was budgeted for this support.  Eliana says:  "To know that I have your continued spiritual and financial support, as I prepare for Divinity School, means a lot to me."


Community Suppers is not new to our church, but it is new to our budget, because it “lived” underneath the Charter House Coalition umbrella for many years. We budgeted expenses of $30,000 a year for this program, assuming 350 meals a week. We do have funds available given by generous donors. We want these funds to sustain this program for many years to come, so we budgeted use of $20,000 of these funds and are counting on raising the additional $10,000. We currently provide over 400 meals a week, so our expenses are higher than budgeted. One of the substitute drivers, who delivers meals to his own neighborhood, said “It has become more of a neighborhood because of these meals. We watch out for each other.”


Please let us know if you have questions about the church’s finances. You can contact Erika Garner at garnersvt@gmail.com or Michele Brown at michelelbrown59@gmail.com.


Budget Team co-chairs Michele Brown and Erika Garner



Save the date!

Welcome Sunday is September 8! Please join us for church for the beginning of our program year, followed by our annual Welcome Sunday picnic! Details to follow!

Community Supper help needed

Our Friday night Community Suppers continue to grow. We have a core group of volunteers who serve our guests. But we need more! The commitment is only about 2 hours on Friday night and as frequent or infrequent as you want. The work is not hard but so important: set tables, serve food, clean up afterwards. 

We believe it’s not only important to make sure our guests are fed but that they are greeted warmly, listened to, and given a place to make connections. We try to make sure they leave knowing that there is always a special place for them at the table. Interested? See Deb Farnham (802-233-1283) or Dottie Neuberger to get signed up. Thank you!

Men's and LAdies' Lunch

The Ladies Lunch will be held at the church in the Russell Carpenter Room at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 15th. There are three options for your meal: 1. Order and pay for your meal at Route 7 South Sandwich Shop by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 19th and let them know it is for the Ladies Lunch. Someone will pick it up and bring it to the church. You can order and pay over the phone by calling (802) 388-3354 or by stopping by the sandwich shop. 2. Bring lunch from home. 3. Purchase and pick up lunch from a location of your choice and bring it with you. You do NOT need to sign up.  Questions?  Contact Erika Garner at garnersvt@gmail.com

The Men's Lunch Bunch will be held at Rosie’s Restaurant on Thursday, August 15th at noon. If you plan to attend the lunch or have questions, please contact Mal Chase at patandmalchase@gmail.com.


Dear Church,


As I prepare to begin my seminary education at the end of this month, I can’t help but think about my time here in Middlebury. Not only as the DCYM, but also as a member of this loving community. Transitions are never without a level of difficulty, and this one, as excited as I am to become a student at YDS, is not an easy one.


This church has been my home for almost 6 years. You have been like family to me, and I’ve gotten to know many of you in deep ways.  So, of course, there is a little heartbreak in leaving, even though I keep reminding myself that I’m not going that far.


In the past six years, I’ve grown a lot. I’ve learned how wonderful church can be, and how good God is. Thanks to endless and deep conversations with many of you, my faith has evolved and matured in ways I didn’t know it could. I’ve felt loved, supported and cared for. I am forever grateful for all of that.


I know very well that I have your prayers as I start the next step in my journey. I know that this place, and all of you are still going to be home. And I know that God is doing wonderful things through all of us. So, thank you. Thank you for your excitement for me. Thank you for your continued prayers. Thank you for your love and support.


I look forward to seeing you and worshipping with you every time I come home.




Summer Music

We are looking for musicians to sing or to play an instrument in our summer Sunday services!   If you are interested, please contact the church office at 802-388-7634 or office@midducc.org or contact Michele Brown at 802-349-9843 or michelelbrown59@gmail.com.

Stewardship Survey

We're looking for feedback on stewardship! If you haven't yet, please take the survey here. 


Nursery Help Needed!

Have you noticed?  The nursery has been full of babies and little tots on Sunday mornings this spring! If you are as excited as we are about the recent increase of young families in our congregation, and you would like it to continue, please consider helping in the nursery. 

The nursery is staffed by two (paid) youth workers and two adult volunteers. We need to expand our volunteer pool to accommodate the wonderful addition of little ones we are enjoying. If you are at least 18 years old and available to be in the nursery during worship once every 4–6 weeks, please contact Robin Bentley on the Board of Christian Development at rbentley05@gmail.com

helping hands crew

Thanks to all the Helping Hands participants for your hard work each month. We will not be meeting in July, but will resume on August 5th. A reminder will go out before that date, but please mark your calendars now. We hope to see you then.

Send Off for Eliana

Our Member in Discernment, Eliana Cañas Parra, will depart to begin study at Yale Divinity School in August. She will grace us with a sermon on Sunday, August 4. Please help us to provide a pie à la mode fellowship time for her that day. 

Peggy Rush will collect your promise of a provided pie or two (dprush2141@gmail.com or 1-802-388-0052) to be delivered to Fellowship Hall kitchen before 9:30 that Sunday. She will welcome volunteers for clean up to spare faithful Margaret and Jim Eagan. Let’s celebrate together in this sweet send off.

Hope collection

Gather & Share: August—Personal Products The Church weight total has blown past Ton #1 (thank you to the heavy pickles and summer drinks!). August is a bit more personal. “Personal Products” might be toilet paper, wipes, menstrual supplies, shampoo & conditional, facial cleansers, shaving cream, deodorant, hand soup, diapers, wipes, or tissues. These things are expensive and sometimes a considered a unaffordable luxury despite being basic. Thanks for helping out in this way.




Summer Office Hours

The Church Office will be closed on Mondays until Monday, August 26

Pastor's Summer Schedule

As we continue through the summer, here is an update about Pastor Andy and Pastor Elizabeth’s vacation schedules. Andy returns to the office on Tuesday, July 30th. Elizabeth is away from July 30- August 25. 

  • August Birthdays

    • to view birthdays for any month of the year SIGN IN to our online directory.
    • Click on Calendar in the upper left of the screen.

    Lois Farnham                August 1

    Natalie Peters               August 1

    Nicole Foster                August 3

    Louise Salant                August 3

    Jackson Neary              August 4

    Robin Bentley                August 5

    Nyna Cole                     August 6

    Matt Dickinson              August 7

    Zayne Lacey                 August 7

    Kristie Skor                   August 7

    Gail Hietzker                  August 8

    Cristine Kossow            August 9

    Beth Campbell              August 10

    Brian Slavin                  August 11

    Michele Brown              August 12

    Ford Neary                    August 12

    Elliott Abbott                 August 13

    Ben Marshall                 August 13

    Andrea Perham             August 13

    Aaron Wright                 August 13

    Camden Devlin             August 14

    Ben Miller                      August 15

    Ralph Landwehr             August 18

    Alison Durst                  August 19

    Seth Wright                   August 19

    Lindsey Franklin            August 20

    Rosie Kemp                  August 20

    Baker Nelson                August 20

    May Poduschnick          August 21

    Arianna Slavin               August 21

    Tyler Giorgio                 August 23

    Ceci Luksch                  August 24

    Nancy Rucker                August 24

    Peter Ruffa                   August 24

    Muffin Carothers            August 26

    Annie Garner                 August 26

    Ian Sinclair                    August 26

    Tom Eastman                August 27

    Lauren Turner                August 27

    Jack Wallace                 August 27

    Courtney Loomis           August 28

    Glenna Emilo                August 29

    Juliette Hunsdofer         August 29

    Travis Karpak                August 29

    Annie Magri                  August 30

  • August Anniversaries

    Eric & Julie Berg                                    August 3

    Mal & Pat Chase                                   August 3; Celebrating 61 years!

    Doug & Ginny Sinclair                            August 5

    Al & Irene Zaccor                                  August 6

    Will Nash & Deb Evans                          August 7

    Joe & Nancy Merolle                              August 8; Celebrating 60 years!

    Ron & Nancy Rucker                             August 10; Celebrating 61 years!

    Duane & Cathy Fowler                           August 11

    Jim & Sarah Donnelly                            August 15; Celebrating 65 years!

    Ed & Irene Barna                                   August 18

    Rick & Heather Viens                             August 21

    Neil & Alyssa Sinclair                             August 22

    Joe & Jennifer Smith                             August 22

    Melissa Bartley & Sean McAuliffe           August 26

    Jim & Helen Wright                                August 26

    Barbara Kent & Julie Tatkon                   August 28