Judy Albright and Jennifer H. Smith- Design and Publishing

Elizabeth Davis - Editor

July 2024

Quest for the Spirit

Rev.  Elizabeth gleich

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

 – St. Augustine


July Greetings, church!


I don’t know about you, but this summer I’m in need of a sacred pause, an intentional moment each week to focus on quiet, guided prayer and spirituality. Personally, I’m best able to access God in beloved community, rather than in solitude. In a group setting, I appreciate guidance from friends and appreciate how the Holy Spirit can speak through the experiences of others.


If this sounds like you, I invite you to join me in a four-week adult study on spiritual exercises and mediation this month. Our study is called “Quest for the Spirit,” a program initially led by Rev. Skip Masback, a pastor currently retired in Vergennes, but who first introduced this course to youth in his church in New Canaan, CT.


Over the centuries, Christian spiritual guides have developed scores of spiritual exercises that offer varied ways to open the soul to God’s presence. While there are a total of 39 available courses in “Quest for the Spirit” program, our time together will be an introduction to Christian spiritual practices, focusing on four meditative forms to offer a sampling of the diverse ways forward. With respect to each spiritual exercise, we will attend to:

- A short description of the meditation’s roots in Scripture and tradition.

- A shared experience of the spiritual exercise.

- A small group discussion reflecting on the experience.

- A week experiencing the form of prayer and its Scriptural and traditional roots on our own.

- Small group discussion reflecting on the experiences of the week.

We’ll start our 4-week course on Tuesday, July 2, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m., meeting in the Russell Carpenter Room. If you’d rather join us online, we’ll gather by Zoom as well (link here!). Want to engage by self-directed study? No problem! The entire course is online here.

All are welcome… no experience necessary! Come as you are.







Church Council met and listened to reports from both pastors. We also reviewed the Treasurer's report and reports from the Board Chairs. Robert Foster and Dan Brown added more details about the ongoing work on the church building.

We approved Erica Garner's nomination to the Board of Trustees to fill out a term that will end at our next Annual Meeting. 

We approved the request of the Green Team to invite and to pay the expense for a speaker, Jay Michaelson, to talk about climate anxiety this fall. 

We approved the Endowment Gift Acceptance Policy. 

We discussed changing the date for our Annual Meeting but did not make a decision on it. 

There was discussion of the wedding policy. 

We approved hiring May Poduschnick as our new Director of Children and Youth Ministries, and approved her employment agreement.

It was noted that both of our pastors are now due for a sabbatical. 

We approved a request to fund the meetings of the parents with children under the age of 4 through the end of 2024. This expense will be taken the New Initiatives Fund.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Foster, Clerk

  • Between annual meetings, the Church Council meets once a month to fulfill its responsibility to coordinate the church's programs and business. Council has the powers generally ascribed to a corporation's board of directors.

    The Church Council is composed of the following Church members:  Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and the chairpersons of the six church boards. Also, there are three at-large members. One is elected every year and serves a 3 year term.

  • The basic life and work of the church is under the direction and supervision of church boards, which meet monthly at the All Boards Meeting and report to the Church Council. Members of these boards are elected from the membership of the church. 

planned giving - did you know?

Real estate (real property) can be the most advantageous way for an individual or couple to make an important gift to our church. Gifts of a private residence, vacation home, farm property, or undeveloped land may be possible. Real estate given to our church will be sold and the net proceeds used according to the donor’s directions.


Depending on the donor’s circumstances, there can be several advantages in giving real estate. For example:


•  By giving real estate, a donor may have the satisfaction of making a larger gift to the church than would be possible with available cash or securities.


•  There may be significant tax advantages to giving appreciated property.


•  With a gift of a retained life estate, the donor or donors may continue to live in their home after the gift is made.


•  The donor avoids the inconvenience and complexity of selling real estate which may no longer be needed, such as a vacation property or undeveloped land.


To explore your interests in making a gift of this kind, please contact the Planned Giving Committee through the church office or by using the pew card.


Board of Mission & Social Concerns:

July – Picnic Basket

We are currently just short of the 2,000 pounds needed to complete our first ton, but to be fair, the June list was not very "weighty." So, if you are wondering what July's theme for our collections for HOPE is, it is ... Picnic Basket! Think ketchup, mustard, relish, BBQ sauce, mayo, salt and pepper and grilling spices, salad dressing, macaroni salad, and let's not forget the pickles! (all of which are much "heavier.")

Community Supper help needed

Our Friday night Community Suppers continue to grow. We have a core group of volunteers who serve our guests. But we need more! The commitment is only about 2 hours on Friday night and as frequent or infrequent as you want. The work is not hard but so important: set tables, serve food, clean up afterwards. 

We believe it’s not only important to make sure our guests are fed but that they are greeted warmly, listened to, and given a place to make connections. We try to make sure they leave knowing that there is always a special place for them at the table. Interested? See Deb Farnham (802-233-1283) or Dottie Neuberger to get signed up. Thank you!

Men's and LAdies' Lunch

The Ladies Lunch will be held at the church in the Russell Carpenter Room at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 18th. There are three options for your meal: 1. Order and pay for your meal at Route 7 South Sandwich Shop by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 19th and let them know it is for the Ladies Lunch. Someone will pick it up and bring it to the church. You can order and pay over the phone by calling (802) 388-3354 or by stopping by the sandwich shop. 2. Bring lunch from home. 3. Purchase and pick up lunch from a location of your choice and bring it with you. You do NOT need to sign up.  Questions?  Contact Erika Garner at garnersvt@gmail.com

The Men's Lunch Bunch will be held at Rosie’s Restaurant on Thursday, July 18th at noon. If you plan to attend the lunch or have questions, please contact Mal Chase at patandmalchase@gmail.com.

Summer social & bring your own Picnic

Join us this summer for a church-wide picnic at Branbury State Park on Lake Dunmore! 

The picnic will be held rain or shine in one of the park's screened-in pavilions starting at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 1. Bring your own dinner. The Committee on Membership will provide drinks and dessert. Dinner will start at about 6 p.m. 

Bring a bathing suit if you plan to swim in the lake. The park has facilities for changing. Outdoor lawn games, including bocce ball and corn hole, will be available, and there is a playground for young children. You can use the park's boat launch to put in a kayak or canoe. The park entrance fee is $5 for adults, $2 for children aged 4-13. No reservation is required. Just show up with your church friends to enjoy a summer evening on the lake.

Summer Music

We are looking for musicians to sing or to play an instrument in our summer Sunday services!   If you are interested, please contact the church office at 802-388-7634 or office@midducc.org or contact Michele Brown at 802-349-9843 or michelelbrown59@gmail.com.

Nursery Help Needed!

Have you noticed?  The nursery has been full of babies and little tots on Sunday mornings this spring! If you are as excited as we are about the recent increase of young families in our congregation, and you would like it to continue, please consider helping in the nursery. 

The nursery is staffed by two (paid) youth workers and two adult volunteers. We need to expand our volunteer pool to accommodate the wonderful addition of little ones we are enjoying. If you are at least 18 years old and available to be in the nursery during worship once every 4–6 weeks, please contact Robin Bentley on the Board of Christian Development at rbentley05@gmail.com

helping hands crew

Thanks to all the Helping Hands participants for your hard work each month. We will not be meeting in July, but will resume on August 5th. A reminder will go out before that date, but please mark your calendars now. We hope to see you then.

Summer Church Camp

Summer Church Camp will be offered each Sunday from throughout July 28 in Unity Hall. It will be led by May Poduschnick and will begin directly after the Children’s Message. All children in grades K-8 are welcome!




  • July Birthdays

    • to view birthdays for any month of the year SIGN IN to our online directory.
    • Click on Calendar in the upper left of the screen.

    Halina Lyons                 July 1

    Michelle Nelson             July 1

    Mel Kobelin                   July 2

    Deb Venman                 July 2

    Meg Wallace                 July 2

    Nikolai Luksch               July 4

    J.D. Maurais                  July 6

    Ella Nagy-Benson          July 7

    Penny Campbell            July 9

    Willie Glen                     July 9

    Katie McMurray             July 10

    Jackie Davies                July 11

    Shannon Gleason          July 11

    Elliott Slavin                  July 11

    Eric McFerran                July 12

    Nancy Merolle               July 12

    Estelle Wright                July 12

    Mark Bilodeau               July 14

    Natalia Nulsen               July 14

    Zoe Reid-St. John         July 14

    Eleanor Orten                July 15

    Luisa Orten                   July 15

    Andy Giorgio                 July 16

    John Emerson               July 18

    Julie Berg                     July 19

    Sarah Donnelly             July 19

    Kate Livesay                 July 19

    Len Tiedemann              July 19

    Jakee Zaccor                July 19

    Thaddeus Stowe           July 21

    Jaine Perotti                 July 22

    Rayna Erno                   July 23

    Randy Stacey               July 23

    Cynthia Stacey              July 23

    Cheyenne Shute            July 26

    Charlie Beazley             July 27

    Max Beazley                 July 27

    Helen Wright                 July 27

    Eric Berg                      July 28

    Blair Kloman                 July 28

    Stephanie Mitchell         July 28

    Cathy Munteanu            July 28

    Louise Whalen-Wright    July 28


  • July Anniversaries

    Rik & May Poduschnick                          July 2

    Jessica Wright                                        July 3

    John & Lisa Evarts                                 July 5

    Willie Glen & Josie Masterson-Glen       July 7

    Reeves & Kate Livesay                          July 7

    Tara Affolter & Steve Hoffman                July 8

    Dana & Katharine Scribner                     July 11

    Sam Prouty & Mel Kobelin                      July 12

    Eric & Helen McFerran                           July 13

    Michael Roy & Lisa Gates                       July 13

    David & Debbie Deering                          July 19

    Natasha Causton & Scott Hunsdorfer     July 21

    Elizabeth Gleich & Elliott Munn           July 22

    Patrick & Stacia Greene                         July 22

    George & Sue Cady                                July 23

    Kirsten Hendy                                         July 23