• The Upper Room devotional

    Did you know that we subscribe to the "Upper Room" devotional guide? This guide contains daily devotions. Copies of the latest issues are on the Communications Table in the back of the sanctuary. Please take one!

  • Online Fellowship Hour

    There is online fellowship immediately following the Sunday worship service every week. Join us for a time of conversation and and joy! Come as you are from wherever you are!

    Hal and Jean will lead us in sharing the good things that are happening in our lives, while connecting as a beloved community. It will be the same Zoom link every time.

    Zoom link

    Meeting ID: 876 3774 4686

    Passcode: 063702

  • MIDDWeek Morning Prayer

    Each Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. we have MIDDWeek Morning Prayer via Zoom. During this service, we share prayer concerns, meditate on scripture, and listen to centering music.

    Zoom link

    You can also call in at 929-436-2866, with meeting ID 865 4123 2698. All are welcome!

  • It's a New Chapter for Community Supper—and You’re Invited!

    Ways to Get Involved with Community Supper

    1) Volunteer as an individual Server

    Whether you can help once or become a regular, your time makes a real difference. The commitment is about 2 hours on a Friday, and the tasks are simple but essential—setting tables, serving food, and tidying up afterward. No experience needed. Sign up today!

    2) Volunteer or Sponsor a Meal as an Organization

    Are you connected with an organization that would like to sponsor a meal or organize a group to volunteer together? Community supper is truly a community-wide effort, and your organization can make a huge impact while also strengthening your team and having fun. Fill out this form to connect!

    3) Show up to a Friday night meal

    Community Supper is not JUST about a free meal—it’s about sharing stories, building connections, and creating a space where neighbors become friends. Simply by showing up, you can contribute a great deal to making this a welcoming community for everyone at the table. Pull up a chair and join us, every Friday evening at 5 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

  • Updated Dates for "Deepening Our Faith"

    All are welcome to join mid-stream to Pastor Elizabeth's Deepening Our Faith class which meets on Tuesdays at noon. FYI, these are the new dates and content!

    March- 18- NO CLASS

    March 25 - NO CLASS

    April 1- History of Christianity

    April 8 - NO CLASS

    April 15 - United Church of Christ: Who Are We?

    April 22- Worship & the Sacraments

    April 29 - Spiritual Practices: Finding Ways to Pray & Incorporate Faith in Our Daily Lives

    More about the class:

    Each week we’ll explore a different topic through discussion, scripture, and shared reflection. Whether you are new to the church or have been here for years, this series is an opportunity to strengthen your faith and deepen your connection to our community.

    Meetings will be held in person and on Zoom. If you’re interested or have questions, reach out to Pastor Elizabeth at elizabeth@midducc.org.

  • Helping Hands!

    Helping Hands will be meeting on Monday, March 3 from 10:15-12:30.

    Our tasks this month will be to address the plants in the building. In the Unity Hall stair area, the soil has a fungus, plants need to come out and containers disinfected.  

    The outdoor wreaths will need to come down and taken apart.  If time allows a couple of other smaller projects. Bring appropriate working gloves and hope to see you then.  

    Any questions please reach out to Dorothy Douglas at 388-6257 or jdmamidd@comcast.net.

  • Arts in Unity Pop-Up Gallery Exhibition

    Arts in Unity will present its first pop-up gallery event of the year next month. From March 7th through April 6th we will host "All Things Bright and Beautiful," featuring the original pastel paintings of artist and teacher Judy Albright. Inspired by the classic hymn, this exhibit highlights Judy's skillful use of color to capture the beauty of everyday moments. From beautiful bouquets to peaceful landscapes, each artwork offers a fresh perspective of God’s creation. The collection celebrates the simple yet profound beauty found in all corners of nature. All paintings will be for sale and 20% of all proceeds will be donated to the church.

  • Defibrillator Training

    Knowing how to use a defibrillator (AED) can save a life in an emergency. Whether at church, in the community, or at home, being prepared to respond to sudden cardiac arrest could make all the difference.

    Join us from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on March 26th in Fellowship Hall for a free hands-on training session where you’ll learn how to recognize an emergency, use an AED confidently, and take quick action when it matters most. No prior experience needed—just a willingness to learn a skill that could help save a life.

    Don't miss this opportunity to be prepared and empowered. Space is limited. Use this form to reserve your spot!

  • Gather & Share for Lent

    As many of you know, our church has set a goal of donating three tons of food to the HOPE food shelf this year. However, as of March, we are behind where we should be.

    This Lent, we encourage you to make donating food to HOPE one of your Lenten disciplines. Some people give things up for Lent, but perhaps this season, your practice could be giving—helping feed our hungry neighbors as a way to draw closer to God.

    Bring your food donations to Church and we will make sure they reach those in need!

    March is "Can Can" Month

    Can you help fulfill their list?

    Canned peas, carrots, beets

    Canned pineapple, mixed fruit, applesauce

    Canned pasta meals

    Canned soups

    Also, HOPE is looking for someone to volunteer in the food shelf on Monday mornings, assisting clients. If anyone’s interested, they should contact Jeanne Montross at 802-388-3608 x239

    —The Board of Mission and Social Concerns

  • Midday Bible Study: The Epistles of John

    The Epistles of John make a wondrous claim at the dawn of the second century (CE): GOD IS LOVE. In the three letters of John, the author reminds his early Christian community that their love of God must be made manifest in the love they show one another. Here in the twenty-first century, what might learn from these ancient texts?

    Pastor Andy will lead a seven-session class on The Epistles of John (I John, II John, III John). Classes will be held on consecutive Wednesdays from noon to 1:00 in Unity Hall beginning March 12. Online participation is welcome; click HERE for the Zoom link

  • Spring Fling & Corn hole Tournament

    Calling all Church Families! You are invited to our first Spring Fling celebration and Midd UCC Corn Hole Tournament. Enter a team and compete for bragging rights and top prizes. Each team must have at least one member that is 18 & under. We will also be having a church wide Scavenger Hunt so prepare to get to know our church building. RSVP your team to may@midducc.org.

    Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025

    Time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm

    Place: Midd UCC Fellowship Hall

    Drinks and snacks provided, bring your team and playful competitiveness! See you there!

  • Green Team Announcements

    Volunteer Seedling Growers Needed!

    The Green Team is looking for both new and experienced gardeners who would each be willing to grow at least a dozen extra vegetable and/or herb seedlings this spring for our fifth annual Seedling Giveaway, which will take place in May. Not only will we give these seedlings to every member of our congregation who wants one, but we will also once again be sending half of the seedlings to HOPE to give away to community members who visit their Food Shelf.

    Intrigued but have never grown a plant before? This would be a great time to give it a try! We can supply you with plenty of tips and advice—including which plants tend to be easiest to grow.

    Helping members of our community grow their own food is a wonderful way to both celebrate the fruitfulness of God’s green earth and help reduce carbon emissions. Please contact Su Reid-St. John at sureidstjohn@gmail.com if you can help. Thank you!!

    Mission Possible: Be A Wiser Energizer!

    You are invited to join the Green Team in their Lenten project, Mission Possible: Be a Wiser Energizer! We are grateful to Adayliah Ley, an Addison County Energy Navigator, for sharing insights into this program with the congregation on March 9. The opportunity remains for us all to develop a plan to save money, be more comfortable, and reduce carbon emissions in our homes. Energy Navigators provide FREE one-on-one home energy consulting services for residents of Addison County. The plan can be simple or complex, and can include a variety of weatherization, electrification, or conservation advice. For additional information and to sign up for your FREE ENERGY AUDIT please go to ceacac.org and click on Energy Navigators at the top of the page.

    Green Team Meeting

    The Green Team will be meeting on Monday, March 17 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. If you are interested in being a part of fulfilling our mission as a Creation Justice Church by promoting environmental justice in our community we would love to welcome you to our team! Contact any of our members (Eliana Cañas Parra, Diana Davidson, Hal Colston, Judy Jessup, Leanna Maglienti, Su Reid-St. John, and Paige Russell) or office@midducc.org if you would like to be involved or learn more about our work.

  • Easter Flowers

    It is time to order Easter tulips and daffodils to decorate the sanctuary Easter Sunday. Flowers can be ordered online, during Sunday’s fellowship hour on March 16 & 23, or by contacting Lisa Evarts @ 802-349-5788/ lisajevarts@gmail.com. Each order is $20.

    Tulips are available in red, pink, purple, orange, and white. Daffodils are yellow. Specific colors can be guaranteed prior to the March 28 ordering deadline. After that colors can be requested but not guaranteed until April 6. 

  • Remembering Bob Campbell

    There will be a service of celebration for Bob Campbell’s life at 1:00 p.m. on April 12. You can read the full announcement here.