Please join us on

two special Sundays in September

Welcome Sunday

September 8th

Please join us as we launch our new program year with church school classrooms reopening after summer break.

  • 10 a.m. Worship and Church School
  • 12:00 p.m. Welcome Picnic

Programs for Children and Youth

  • Church School classes (during worship) are open for children from pre-K through 8th grade
  • Nursery Care is available every Sunday from 9:45 - 11:15 a.m.
  • The Junior Youth Group is open to students in grades 6-8 and meets bi-monthly
  • The Senior High Youth Group is open to students in grades 9-12, and meets weekly on Sunday afternoons.
  • For more information about our programs for children and youth, please contact May Poduschnick at

Music Ministry

  • The Chancel Choir sings anthems during worship on Sunday from September - June
  • Form more information about our music programs contact Ronnie Romano at

Adult Education

  • Bible Study Classes
  • Book Study Groups

Open House

September 15th

Immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service

From inspiring sermons to fellowship and service opportunities, to Bible studies and book clubs, to choirs and children’s programming - there are many opportunities to participate in programs at our church!  

Please join us on September 15th and learn about:

  • Sunday worship services
  • MiddWeek Morning Prayer
  • Children and Youth Ministry
  • Adult Education Programs - Bible Study, Book Groups
  • Outreach - Friday Night Community Suppers, La Comunidad, and Youth Service Trips
  • Groups and activities - Caregivers Group, Hook, Needle, and Stitches, Ladies’ and Men's’ monthly lunches, weekly walking group, Green Team, Online Fellowship
  • And more!

Food, fun and prizes!

For more information email the office at or call 802 388-7634.