Judy Albright & Mira Cabrera - Design and Publishing
Elizabeth Davis - Editor
Judy Albright & Mira Cabrera - Design and Publishing
Elizabeth Davis - Editor
Rev. Elizabeth Gleich
Happy February, beloved church! This month, I’m focusing on the word “awake.” Not because I’m feeling particularly well-rested, but because the Holy Spirit seems to think I have something to learn from it. Yes, you guessed it—“awake” is my Star Word for this year.
In our church tradition, each year we have the opportunity to choose a Star Word as a guiding light for the year ahead. As Jennifer Smith once beautifully described, just as the wise men journeyed toward the star in Bethlehem, we, too, are invited to journey with our Star Word to encounter God. Some people view Star Words like fortune cookies or New Year’s resolutions. I see them as a way to listen to the “still, small voice of God,” another avenue to connect with the divine and focus on how God might be calling us toward a life of wholeness.
I’ve already heard from many of you about how your Star Word is inviting you to think about God differently or reflect on your unique place in this beloved community. Maureen Williams, a “star sister” who shares the word “awake” with me, mentioned how her word encourages her to be present each day—to wake up with clear eyes and gratitude for another opportunity to live and love. Her reflection resonates deeply.
For me, I’m still discerning what “awake” means. These days, I’m often tempted to bury my head in the sand to escape the overwhelming headlines. I’m wrestling with how to stay informed and aware of the world without letting it consume me or diminish my joy. Beyond just being well-rested or adequately caffeinated, I’m curious about how God might be speaking to me through this word. What does it mean to be truly awake to God, to my neighbors, and to the opportunities for love and service each day?
In the coming weeks, we’ll have opportunities to gather and reflect on our Star Words together (February 2 and February 11). I warmly invite you to join us, to share how your Star Word is shaping your journey, and to explore what these invitations might mean for our collective life as a church.
As always, I’m so grateful to be your companion on this journey.
Pastor Elizabeth
Church Council met on January 8, 2025. We listened to the normal reports. Pastor Andy reported on Christmas Eve services, which had an attendance of about 600 people. Andy reported that he will be taking his 4-week vacation starting in mid-January. He really needs to finish his thesis for his Doctorate. Pastor Elizabeth reported on the Youth Group, the Parents Play Group, and several other activities she is involved in.
The Christmas Eve donation was over $4.000. Leanna reviewed the Board reports.
Andy announced that Wendy Warren and Mike Rowe have accepted the Building Manager position. Ian reported on the pledges for 2025. We had more pledges than last year, and the amount pledged is about $40,000 more than last year.
Leanna reported that there are still unfilled positions on several Boards. She also reported on the proposed bylaws change and the reason for proposing the change.
Michele gave a good explanation of the excess spending for Friday Night Suppers. Council approved taking an additional $9,740 from the Special Fund for these suppers.
Erica gave a very thorough report on the 2024 budget and the proposed 2025 budget. She discussed salary increases, building costs, and the extra cost with both of our Pastors taking their Sabbaticals this year. Council voted to recommend approval of the proposed 2025 budget to our church at our upcoming Annual Meeting.
Council approved the warning for the Annual Meeting. Council thanked Nancy Foster for 10 years of service as Clerk.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Foster, Clerk
Between annual meetings, the Church Council meets once a month to fulfill its responsibility to coordinate the church's programs and business. Council has the powers generally ascribed to a corporation's board of directors.
The Church Council is composed of the following Church members: Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and the chairpersons of the six church boards. Also, there are three at-large members. One is elected every year and serves a 3 year term.
The basic life and work of the church is under the direction and supervision of church boards, which meet monthly at the All Boards Meeting and report to the Church Council. Members of these boards are elected from the membership of the church.
Church School News
We’re looking forward to an exciting year ahead and are thrilled to kick it off with our three Magi distributing Epiphany Stars on the first Sunday in January. The “Star Words” tradition has become a cherished part of our church community, and many eagerly anticipate discovering their word for the season. Be on the lookout for “Star Conversations” in February—opportunities to share your thoughts and reflections on what these star words mean to you.
In line with our theme, Companions on the Journey, we want to express gratitude for our amazing teachers and helpers who guide our children each Sunday during Church School. We’ve recently started a new curriculum focused on the essence of Jesus’ teachings in his Sermon on the Mount. Together, we’re exploring profound questions like: What does it mean to be the Salt and Light of the World? and Why should I love my enemies? These are rich topics, offering so much to learn and discuss.
Our nursery program is thriving! The space is getting plenty of use, not just on Sunday mornings but also during other church activities. We continue to work collaboratively and creatively with RCCC to share spaces and resources. It’s heartwarming to see the nursery bustling with little ones. A big thank you to our reliable, skilled, and fun staff and volunteers who keep things running smoothly. If you’re interested in joining this wonderful team, please let me know—we’d love to have you!
The Junior Youth Group (JYG) is moving forward with energy and enthusiasm alongside our middle schoolers. Above is a snapshot of our faith team leaders (Hugh McLaughlin, Felipe Chavez, and myself) celebrating at our Epiphany party earlier this month.
Meanwhile, the confirmation class (six 9th graders and one 10th grader) has been assigned mentors to meet with outside of class. The group continues to gather monthly, with Confirmation Sunday scheduled for April 6. Pastor Andy and I are working hard to cover key topics like Church History, What We Believe, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and more. Though our hour-and-15-minute sessions are brief, we hope they spark meaningful conversations. Fun discussions like “If Jesus were on social media, what do you think he would post?” are helping us connect theology to everyday life.
January is a wonderful time for reflection and planning. As we look ahead, we hope the children and youth of our church will find this journey to be one of learning, growth, and blessings. May they discover the companions they need—whether in family, friends, or church—as we walk this path together.
Music Director
January has been a month of comings and goings, of new beginnings and of endings, of great joys and great sorrows. The Chancel Choir took a healthy, well-deserved break after all their extra work to prepare for the Christmas Eve services, returning to church on January 12. Jeff and I also played a bit of tag, covering alternating Sunday services at the organ on our own for the past several weeks. Finally, on January 19, we all returned together for a festive day of music-making with special guest, François Clemmons. The spirit was definitely with us in the sanctuary that morning—I am still in awe of the power of music to draw communities closer together and produce a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
As I enter a new chapter in my own life, splitting my weeks between Vermont and NYC to interim direct my teacher’s choir, Choral Chameleon, I am even more grateful for this steadfast community at church. I am excited for new musical possibilities on the horizon this spring: continued Taizé services, the return of the handbell choir, more musical guests, and other creative endeavors that may yet avail themselves.
Welcome New Member: Louise Salant
I was first introduced to the church by longtime parishioner Mona Rogers, whom I met at the East Middlebury library. She immediately invited me to join the church choir. I showed up the following Sunday morning, was warmly received by then-music director Jessica Allen, and sang in a church choir for the first time in my life. I loved hearing Pastor Andy's sermon and later I got to meet Pastor Elizabeth. What was so impressive was the warm welcome I always received from everyone.
Finally I decided it was time to officially join the church, and last fall became a proud member.
I have been a seasonal resident of Lake Dunmore for decades, spending the rest of the time in NYC. I treasure my time in Vermont and dream of living here full-time.
-Louise Salant
How Do I Fulfill My Pledge?
Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge for 2025! We are so grateful for the generosity of our church members and friends. Your commitment supports the vital ministries of our congregation and helps us plan for the year ahead. Now that you've made your pledge, you might be wondering: How do I fulfill it? You can fulfill your pledge weekly, monthly, or yearly, or any combination of these, using any of the following methods:
1. Online Giving Options
-Donate by automatic transfer directly from your bank account OR by charging your CREDIT or DEBIT card.
-Prefer Venmo or PayPal? You can give one-time and recurring gifts through these platforms as well.
-For information about donating stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, please visit this page.
If you have questions about donating to our church from your IRA or through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), please contact our treasurers at treasurer@midducc.org.
-These online giving options are always available at midducc.org/giving.
2. By Mail
-Mail your check to: 30 North Pleasant Street, Middlebury, VT 05753.
-Write “Attention: Treasurer” on the envelope and indicate that the check is for your 2025 pledge on the memo line.
3. During Sunday Worship
-Place your offering in the basket during Sunday morning worship.
-For cash gifts, use an envelope with your name and indicate it’s for your 2025 pledge. For checks, note the pledge on the memo line.
If you have any questions about fulfilling your pledge, please don't hesitate to contact our Treasurer, Cathy Chase, or Financial Secretary, Irene Zaccor at treasurer@midducc.org. Thank you again for your support!
Justice, Compassion, Democracy in 2025 & Beyond
What role, if any, should the Church have in engaging social and political issues in the public domain? Religious leaders are calling for varied responses to the emerging policies of our national government, and to rising Christian nationalism. After-worship meetings on January 5 and January 19 were well attended, and many people, with varied perspectives, shared their perspectives.
On Sunday, February 2, following worship, we will continue our discussion. We plan to break into smaller groups to better facilitate shared conversation. We will first convene in Unity Hall as usual.
Please read articles by Bishop Mariann E. Budde and by Vermonter Carl Krieg in advance and reflect on these questions:
Join us at 11:30 a.m. in Unity Hall on February 2.
Helping Hands
A BIG thank you to all who joined us to take the greens down in the sanctuary and in Unity Hall on January 6th. Our next monthly Helping Hands Crew gathering will be on Monday, February 3rd, from 10:15 to 12:30. All are welcome to join us. We are not sure yet what our tasks will be, but bring your mop pail, as there are always surfaces that need a light touch.
See you then; if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Dorothy Douglas at jdmamidd@comcast.net or 802-388-6257.
Gather & Share: February
The February theme is: Rice and Beans
HOPE WISH LIST: Rice of all kinds, canned beans, Progresso-style soups, canned pasta, Knorr-style pasta & rice sides
Thanks to All who helped make our annual Food Drive for H.O.P.E. a success!
—The Board of Mission and Social Concerns
Online Fellowship
There is online fellowship immediately following the Sunday worship service every week. Join us for a time of conversation and and joy! Come as you are from wherever you are!
Hal and Jean will lead us in sharing the good things that are happening in our lives, while connecting as a beloved community. It will be the same Zoom link every time.
Meeting ID: 876 3774 4686
Passcode: 063702
Celebrating Jeff Ellison
Join us after worship on Sunday, February 9th during fellowship hour to celebrate Jeff Ellison and his years of dedicated service as our Building Manager! Jeff has been an incredible part of our church community, keeping our space running smoothly with care and commitment for many years. Stop by for fellowship, gratitude, and refreshments as we honor Jeff’s hard work and the lasting impact he’s made in this space. Hope to see you there!
Save the Date!
Spring Fling!
Saturday, March 22, at 4:00 p.m.
Come celebrate the start of spring with family-friendly games and activities!
Scavenger hunt, prizes, games, refreshments, and more
Please mark your calendars!
Brought to you by the Board of Christian Development
February Birthdays
Su Reid-St. John | February 01 |
Dorie Bechtel | February 02 |
John McLeod | February 04 |
Jenny Orten | February 04 |
Liz Vant | February 06 |
Natasha Causton | February 07 |
Ginger Fiskio | February 08 |
Carole Cummings | February 09 |
Bob Gleason | February 09 |
Polly Birdsall | February 10 |
Robert Martineit | February 10 |
Helen McFerran | February 11 |
Peter Munteanu | February 12 |
Elaine Mitcham | February 14 |
Kirsten Hendy Hendy | February 16 |
Felipe Chavez Carrillo | February 17 |
Julian Roy | February 17 |
Jackie Leach | February 18 |
Bas Phair | February 19 |
Bill Miller, Jr. | February 21 |
Mary Nagy-Benson | February 24 |
Hunter Munteanu | February 28 |
February Anniversaries
Tiffany Nourse & Bill Sargent | February 01 |
Frank & Annie Magri Van Gansbeke | February 16 |
Jon Andrews & Lisa Rader | February 24 |
Matthew & Robyn Stattel | February 29 |